auto generate draft narrative

Free Automated Report Writing

Streamline Your Report Writing

TRULEO offers a cutting-edge solution that automates and simplifies report writing, allowing officers to focus more on what truly matters—serving and protecting their communities.

Save your Officers
10 hours a week

Free Automated Report Writing: Get started today with TRULEO’s freemium offering. No questions asked, any body camera. Upgrade your department's efficiency with TRULEO’s automated report writing. Start saving time and improving the quality of your reports today.


New Study Finds AI Report Writing Did Not Save Officers Time!

A new study put a competitor’s AI-assisted report writing feature to the test— a product that claims to reduce report writing times by 82%.
The study concluded NO significant time savings.

Benefits of Automated
Report Writing

Save Time 

Officers can save up to 10 hours per week by utilizing TRULEO’s automated report writing feature.

Enhance Accuracy   

The technology transcribes audio with precision, reducing human error and ensuring that all critical details are captured.

Streamline Workflow 

Automatically generate draft narratives from BWC audio, minimizing the need for manual input and repetitive tasks.

Improve Documentation   

Ensure that all interactions, especially those requiring detailed reports, are accurately documented for future reference.

Virtual FTO

Virtual Field Training Officer (FTO) verifies new officer professionalism and provides TRU data to FTOs to instruct their trainees during the Field Training Program.


Virtual PIO

Virtual Public Information Officer (PIO) quickly identifies and produces BWC video clips for internal morale boosts and external public education. Share the stories of your department without having to search through thousands of hours of data.