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An AI Assistant that saves you time and recognizes professionalism

Every day you risk everything to deliver excellent service and public safety. TRULEO highlights your best moments and gives you credit for your good work.


officer gets high professionalism awarded

voice generated reports

Voice Generated Reports

Instantly generate report narratives with your voice. Get started today for FREE.

i have a policy question for conversational ai

Conversational AI for Policy & RMS

Query agency policy or retrieve previous call-for-service summaries while driving en route to a call.

Conversational AI streamlines situational awareness and keeps your officers informed — all in seconds.

body camera analytics

Body Camera Analytics

Unbiased, objective, automated analysis of 100% of body camera videos to recognize great work and provide coaching where needed.

* TRULEO integrates into Axon, Motorola and all other body camera video providers.


Random review fails to tell your story

TRULEO analyzes 100% of your body camera data to highlight the vast majority of positive and professional interactions. Our TruData metrics give officers credit where they deserve it.

De-Escalation Attempts

We surface potential de‑escalation attempts for supervisors to give credit for avoiding escalation.

High Composure

When you keep your cool in the face of verbal assaults from a community member, we automatically mark High Composure on your call.

High Professionalism

By proactively explaining your actions to community members before taking them, our system automatically flags these actions as high professionalism, ensuring command staff are informed of your outstanding work.


trusted by police officers

“The ability to measure a police officer’s level of professionalism and readiness to de-escalate should be required risk management for every Chief of Police.”

"From command staff to front-line supervisors to the officers on the front line. They all bought into the mission and leveraged BWC analytics as a coaching tool to help us create better outcomes with our community."


"TRULEO lets me know that I’m doing my job the way I intended and provides me with a sense of accomplishment."

Officer platt

Police Officer


"TRULEO helps inspire confidence in the police department with the community we serve."

Officer Smith

Police Officer
Awarded "Top Cop" by TRULEO


"TRULEO highlights moments of professionalism, composure, and de-escalation and supports us with data, so I don’t have to defend myself."

Officer hatch

Police Officer

100% made in america

See how it works