TRU Thoughts Blog
Latest short and long stories from our community.
Tackling Retention and Turnover by Reinforcing a Culture of Excellence and Pride
09.13.2024 | ANTHONY TASSONE
The challenges of recruitment, retention, and turnover in law enforcement may not be new, but they are persistent. The IACP’s 2018 guide remains relevant today, remin...
How Storytelling Can Balance Community Perspectives on Policing:
A Powerful Tool for Law Enforcement
08.28.2024 | ANTHONY TASSONE
In today's complex social landscape, law enforcement agencies face increasing scrutiny from the public. Tensions can run high, often fueled by misunderstandings, mistrust, and the way policing is portrayed in the...
Conflict of Interest Free Approach to Body-Worn Camera Data Analytics Technology
07.29.2024 | GREG SHEEHAN
When navigating the complex process typically associated with procuring and managing law enforcement technology solutions....
Showcasing Law Enforcement Professionalism
07.08.2024 | GREG SHEEHAN
Traditional law enforcement recruitment campaigns often rely on static images or action-packed scenes which do not effectively convey the professionalism or the complexities....
Enhancing the Candidate Identification and Selection Process:
Body-Worn Camera Data Analytics in Law Enforcement Promotions and Specialized Assignments
06.14.2024 | GREG SHEEHAN
Law enforcement is facing an increasingly complex set of challenges as a profession, so identifying and selecting the right candidates for leadership roles and specialized...
Competitive Advantage in Recruitment and Retention
05.13.2024 | GREG SHEEHAN
Law enforcement as a profession is at a crossroads as more officers are leaving the field through resignation or retirement. With fewer qualified and interested candidates than ever before, law enforcement ...
Elevating Job Satisfaction and Performance in Law Enforcement
04.29.2024 | GREG SHEEHAN
Public safety leaders must help law enforcement officers improve their job satisfaction and performance if they want to stay competitive and retain their most professional employees...
Leveraging Body-Worn Camera Video for More Effective Law Enforcement Training
04.15.2024 | GREG SHEEHAN
With the rapid expansion of body-worn camera (BWC) deployments over the last ten years, training programs have a powerful and frequently unutilized asset at their disposal...