10.10.2024 | ANTHONY TASSONE

AI in Policing: Addressing Fears and Building Trust with AI‑Assisted Body-Worn Camera Review

blog post 11

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, particularly that of the AI variety, varying opinions are being debated regarding its use in policing.

Take AI-assisted body-worn camera (BWC) review for example—transcription of police interactions now provides the capability of automatically drafting an incident report. Law enforcement officers can save valuable time by allowing a platform to generate the initial narrative, then review and sign off when they agree it is accurate and complete. Many claim it is even improving the quality of reports.

Despite numerous demonstrated benefits, some remain skeptical of this technology, with concerns such as privacy issues, data storage, biases, and more.

Let’s dive into some of these fears on a deeper level and see how TRULEO is addressing these:

  1. Privacy: There are concerns about how AI systems might handle sensitive or private information captured by body-worn cameras. People fear that AI could be used to monitor or analyze their activities in ways that could invade their privacy.

    TRULEO automatically redacts all personal identifiable information (PII) and does not display it in transcripts or generative AI summaries. Generative AI models never see PII from TRULEO transcripts.

  2. Bias and Fairness: Some people think that AI is only as good as the data it learns from, so if the data is biased, the AI can carry those biases forward. This is especially concerning in law enforcement, where biased AI could potentially cause unfair treatment or discrimination against certain groups.

    TRULEO’s Automated Report Writing is unbiased and unembellished relying solely on factual audio transcriptions.

  3. Transparency and Accountability: AI decision-making processes can be opaque, which makes it difficult for the public to understand how decisions are being made or to hold systems accountable for errors or misuse. There is a desire for clear explanations of how AI reviews are conducted and how decisions are reached.

    Law enforcement transparency and accountability are improved using AI-assisted 100% BWC review. How so? By providing:
    • Enhanced efficiency and coverage
    • Objectivity and consistency
    • Identification of critical Incidents
    • Real-time alerts for immediate oversight
    • Improved public access
    • Data-Driven insights for policy reform & training opportunities

  4. Error and Reliability: AI systems are not flawless and can make mistakes. If AI misinterprets or inaccurately processes footage, it could lead to wrongful conclusions or actions. This is a significant concern when such technology is used in contexts involving law enforcement or other critical applications.

    While no AI system is immune to errors, TRULEO ensures that its AI-assisted body-worn camera reviews are subject to thorough human oversight. The platform enhances the clarity and consistency of report narratives but does not remove human acumen from the process. Officers are always required to review and approve each report, ensuring that the final content reflects the facts accurately. Additionally, TRULEO includes a clear disclaimer stating that the initial narrative was AI-generated, reinforcing transparency. This human-AI collaboration minimizes the risk of errors and ensures that no action is taken solely based on AI-generated content without human validation.

  5. Data Security: The storage and management of large amounts of data from body-worn cameras raise concerns about data breaches or unauthorized access. Ensuring that this data is secure from hackers and other malicious actors is crucial to maintaining public trust.

    TRULEO’s technology leverages the AWS GovCloud for secure data handling and enforcing encryption in transit and at rest ensuring compliance with CJIS standards. The platform does not store or host video footage but uses a secure API connection to stream video from the agency’s evidence management system (EMS).

These concerns highlight the need for careful design, transparency, and oversight when implementing AI in body-worn camera systems. Addressing these issues effectively can help mitigate apprehension and foster more trust in the technology. The integration of AI into policing, especially through body-worn camera reviews, introduces both opportunities and challenges. While concerns about privacy, bias, and transparency are valid, platforms like TRULEO demonstrate how AI can be leveraged to enhance accountability, improve efficiency, and safeguard public trust. By addressing these fears head-on, we can move toward a future where technology complements law enforcement’s commitment to transparency and integrity. With the right safeguards in place, AI can be a powerful ally in the quest for fair and efficient policing.


“The ability to measure a police officer’s level of professionalism and readiness to de-escalate should be required risk management for every Chief of Police.”

"From command staff to front-line supervisors to the officers on the front line. They all bought into the mission and leveraged BWC analytics as a coaching tool to help us create better outcomes with our community."